Art 50 portraits célèbres

1. Mona Lisa - Leonardo da Vinci

2. Vincent van Gogh - Self Portrait

3. Frida Kahlo - Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird

4. Pablo Picasso - Self Portrait

5. Rembrandt van Rijn - Self Portrait

6. Andy Warhol - Self Portrait

7. Salvador Dali - Self Portrait with Fried Bacon

8. Georgia O'Keeffe - Self Portrait

9. Claude Monet - Self Portrait

10. Leonardo da Vinci - Self Portrait

11. Michelangelo - Self Portrait

12. Gustav Klimt - Self Portrait

13. Edvard Munch - Self Portrait

14. Henri Matisse - Self Portrait

15. Jackson Pollock - Self Portrait

16. Wassily Kandinsky - Self Portrait

17. Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Self Portrait

18. Paul Cézanne - Self Portrait

19. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Self Portrait

20. Egon Schiele - Self Portrait

21. Jean-Michel Basquiat - Self Portrait

22. Frida Kahlo - Self Portrait with Cropped Hair

23. Vincent van Gogh - Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear

24. Pablo Picasso - Self Portrait with Palette

25. Rembrandt van Rijn - Self Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar

26. Andy Warhol - Self Portrait with Skull

27. Salvador Dali - Self Portrait with the Persistence of Memory

28. Georgia O'Keeffe - Self Portrait with Flowers

29. Claude Monet - Self Portrait with a Beret

30. Leonardo da Vinci - Self Portrait in Red Chalk

31. Michelangelo - Self Portrait in the Sistine Chapel

32. Gustav Klimt - Self Portrait with a Cigarette

33. Edvard Munch - Self Portrait with Skeleton Arm

34. Henri Matisse - Self Portrait in a Striped T-Shirt

35. Jackson Pollock - Self Portrait with a Cigarette

36. Wassily Kandinsky - Self Portrait with Yellow Background

37. Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Self Portrait with a Hat

38. Paul Cézanne - Self Portrait with a Pipe

39. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Self Portrait with a Cane

40. Egon Schiele - Self Portrait with Hands on Chest

41. Jean-Michel Basquiat - Self Portrait with Crown

42. Frida Kahlo - Self Portrait with Monkey

43. Vincent van Gogh - Self Portrait with Straw Hat

44. Pablo Picasso - Self Portrait with Cloak

45. Rembrandt van Rijn - Self Portrait with Two Circles

46. Andy Warhol - Self Portrait with Camouflage

47. Salvador Dali - Self Portrait with Gala

48. Georgia O'Keeffe - Self Portrait with Calla Lily

49. Claude Monet - Self Portrait with a Beard

50. Leonardo da Vinci - Self Portrait in Profile

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