1000 слов по англисски которые надо знать

1. Abandon - to leave behind or give up on

2. Abate - to lessen or reduce in intensity

3. Abbreviate - to shorten or condense

4. Abundant - existing in large quantities

5. Accelerate - to increase in speed or rate

6. Accommodate - to provide lodging or space for

7. Acquire - to obtain or come into possession of

8. Adapt - to adjust or modify to fit a new situation

9. Adequate - sufficient or satisfactory

10. Adhere - to stick to or follow closely

11. Administer - to manage or oversee

12. Adversity - difficulties or misfortune

13. Advocate - to support or promote a cause

14. Aesthetic - relating to beauty or artistic appreciation

15. Affluent - wealthy or having a lot of money

16. Aggressive - assertive or forceful in behavior

17. Alleviate - to make suffering or problems less severe

18. Ambiguous - unclear or open to interpretation

19. Ample - enough or more than enough

20. Analyze - to examine in detail

21. Anecdote - a short, amusing story

22. Anticipate - to expect or foresee

23. Apprehensive - anxious or fearful about the future

24. Articulate - able to express thoughts and ideas clearly

25. Ascend - to go up or climb

26. Assert - to state with confidence or force

27. Assess - to evaluate or judge the quality of

28. Assimilate - to absorb or integrate into a larger group

29. Authentic - genuine or real

30. Autonomous - independent or self-governing

31. Avid - enthusiastic or eager

32. Beneficial - advantageous or helpful

33. Bias - prejudice or unfair influence

34. Brevity - briefness or conciseness

35. Candid - honest or straightforward

36. Capable - able to do something effectively

37. Cautious - careful or wary

38. Coherent - logical or consistent

39. Collaborate - to work together on a project

40. Compassion - sympathy or concern for others

41. Competent - capable or skilled

42. Comprehend - to understand or grasp the meaning of

43. Concede - to admit or acknowledge as true

44. Conducive - favorable or helpful

45. Conscientious - diligent or careful in one's work

46. Consistent - steady or unchanging

47. Contemplate - to think deeply or consider carefully

48. Contradict - to go against or deny

49. Conventional - traditional or typical

50. Convey - to communicate or express

51. Critical - important or essential

52. Cumulative - increasing or growing by accumulation

53. Deceptive - misleading or dishonest

54. Deduce - to infer or conclude from evidence

55. Deficient - lacking or inadequate

56. Deliberate - intentional or done on purpose

57. Demeanor - behavior or outward manner

58. Denounce - to publicly condemn or criticize

59. Depict - to portray or represent in a picture or words

60. Derive - to obtain or come from a source

61. Desolate - barren or empty

62. Deteriorate - to worsen or decline in quality

63. Deviate - to depart from an established course

64. Diligent - hardworking or industrious

65. Discern - to perceive or recognize

66. Discreet - careful or cautious in one's actions

67. Dispute - to argue or disagree

68. Diverse - varied or different

69. Dominate - to control or have power over

70. Duration - the length of time something lasts

71. Eloquent - fluent or persuasive in speech

72. Emphasize - to give special importance to

73. Endure - to withstand or tolerate

74. Enhance - to improve or make better

75. Enthusiastic - eager or excited

76. Evoke - to bring to mind or recall

77. Exemplify - to serve as a typical example of

78. Exploit - to take advantage of for personal gain

79. Extensive - covering a large area or range

80. Facilitate - to make easier or smoother

81. Feasible - possible or likely to succeed

82. Fluctuate - to vary or change irregularly

83. Formulate - to create or develop a plan or idea

84. Fortitude - strength of mind in facing adversity

85. Frugal - thrifty or economical

86. Generate - to produce or create

87. Gracious - courteous or kind

88. Harass - to bother or annoy repeatedly

89. Hypothesis - a proposed explanation based on limited evidence

90. Illuminate - to light up or make brighter

91. Immerse - to involve deeply or completely

92. Impartial - unbiased or fair

93. Implement - to put into effect or action

94. Impose - to establish by authority

95. Inclusive - including all or everything

96. Indicate - to point out or show

97. Inevitable - certain to happen or occur

98. Infamous - well-known for a bad quality or deed

99. Inherent - existing as a natural or essential characteristic

100. Innovate - to introduce something new or make changes

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