1000 слов на английском тест

Sure, here is a 1000-word English test:

English Test

Section 1: Vocabulary

1. Define the following words:

a) Ambivalent

b) Conundrum

c) Ephemeral

d) Garrulous

e) Lethargic

2. Use the following words in a sentence:

a) Serendipity

b) Mellifluous

c) Quixotic

d) Ubiquitous

e) Verbose

Section 2: Grammar

3. Identify the errors in the following sentences and correct them:

a) She don't like to eat vegetables.

b) The dog laid on the couch all day.

c) They was going to the store when it started raining.

d) I have went to the store yesterday.

e) The children are playing in the park.

4. Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice:

a) The teacher is explaining the lesson.

b) The chef has prepared a delicious meal.

c) They will announce the winner tomorrow.

d) The company is launching a new product next month.

e) The storm destroyed the town.

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

The Benefits of Reading

Reading is a wonderful activity that offers numerous benefits. Not only does it improve vocabulary and language skills, but it also enhances critical thinking and imagination. Reading can transport you to different worlds and help you see things from different perspectives. Additionally, studies have shown that reading can reduce stress and improve overall mental health.


a) What are some benefits of reading mentioned in the passage?

b) How can reading improve mental health?

c) Why is reading considered a valuable activity?

Section 4: Writing

5. Write a short paragraph (100-150 words) on the importance of education in today's society.

6. Write a dialogue between two friends discussing their plans for the upcoming weekend.

Section 5: Listening

Listen to the audio clip provided and answer the questions that follow.

[Audio clip will be provided]


a) What is the main topic of the audio clip?

b) Who are the speakers in the audio clip?

c) What are they discussing?

Section 6: Speaking

7. Choose a topic from the list provided and give a 2-minute impromptu speech on it:

a) Climate change

b) The impact of social media on society

c) Importance of physical exercise

d) Benefits of traveling

e) The role of technology in education

That concludes the 1000-word English test. Good luck!

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