1000 слов на английском которые нужно знать

1. Abandon - to leave behind or give up on

2. Abate - to reduce in intensity or amount

3. Abbreviate - to shorten a word or phrase

4. Abhor - to hate or detest

5. Abundant - plentiful or in large quantities

6. Accelerate - to increase in speed or rate

7. Accessible - easy to approach or enter

8. Accommodate - to provide lodging or space for

9. Acknowledge - to recognize or admit the existence of

10. Acquire - to obtain or come into possession of

11. Adapt - to adjust or modify to fit a new situation

12. Adequate - sufficient or satisfactory

13. Adversity - difficulties or misfortune

14. Advocate - to support or recommend

15. Aesthetic - relating to beauty or art

16. Affection - a feeling of fondness or love

17. Aggressive - assertive or forceful

18. Alleviate - to make suffering or problems less severe

19. Ambitious - having a strong desire to succeed

20. Analyze - to examine in detail

21. Anecdote - a short and amusing story

22. Anticipate - to expect or foresee

23. Apprehensive - anxious or fearful about the future

24. Articulate - able to express thoughts and ideas clearly

25. Assertive - confident and self-assured

26. Authentic - genuine or real

27. Awe - a feeling of wonder or admiration

28. Benevolent - kind and generous

29. Bewilder - to confuse or puzzle

30. Bias - a prejudice or inclination towards a particular viewpoint

31. Bizarre - strange or unusual

32. Boisterous - noisy and energetic

33. Cacophony - a harsh and discordant mixture of sounds

34. Capable - able to do something effectively

35. Captivate - to attract and hold the interest of

36. Cautious - careful and wary

37. Celebrate - to honor or mark a special occasion

38. Challenge - a task or situation that tests one's abilities

39. Charismatic - possessing a compelling charm or appeal

40. Coherent - logical and consistent

41. Collaborate - to work together on a project or task

42. Compassion - a feeling of sympathy and concern for others

43. Competent - having the necessary skills or abilities

44. Comprehend - to understand or grasp the meaning of

45. Conscientious - diligent and careful

46. Conspicuous - easily noticeable or standing out

47. Contemplate - to think deeply or consider carefully

48. Contradict - to assert the opposite of a statement

49. Contribute - to give or provide something

50. Conviction - a strong belief or opinion

51. Courageous - brave and determined

52. Creative - imaginative and original

53. Critique - a detailed analysis or evaluation

54. Curious - eager to learn or know more

55. Dazzling - impressively bright or striking

56. Deceptive - misleading or dishonest

57. Dedicate - to commit oneself to a particular purpose or cause

58. Defiant - boldly resistant or challenging

59. Deliberate - intentional or done on purpose

60. Desolate - deserted or uninhabited

61. Dignity - the quality of being worthy of respect

62. Diligent - hardworking and conscientious

63. Discern - to perceive or recognize something

64. Discreet - careful and prudent in one's speech or actions

65. Diverse - varied and different

66. Dynamic - energetic and forceful

67. Eloquent - fluent and persuasive in speech

68. Empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of others

69. Endure - to suffer patiently or withstand hardship

70. Enthusiastic - showing great excitement or interest

71. Evolve - to develop or change over time

72. Exemplary - serving as a model or example

73. Exhilarating - thrilling or exciting

74. Expansive - covering a wide area or range

75. Exquisite - extremely beautiful or delicate

76. Extroverted - outgoing and sociable

77. Fathom - to understand or comprehend

78. Flourish - to thrive or prosper

79. Formidable - inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable

80. Fortitude - courage in pain or adversity

81. Frugal - economical or thrifty

82. Generosity - the quality of being kind and generous

83. Genuine - real or authentic

84. Gracious - courteous and kind

85. Harmony - a pleasing arrangement of parts

86. Hesitate - to pause before saying or doing something

87. Humble - modest or unassuming

88. Illuminate - to light up or make clear

89. Impeccable - flawless or perfect

90. Impulsive - acting without thinking

91. Inclusive - including all or everything

92. Indulge - to give in to a desire or craving

93. Inquisitive - curious and eager to learn

94. Insightful - having or showing a deep understanding

95. Integrity - honesty and moral principles

96. Intuitive - instinctive or based on intuition

97. Jubilant - feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph

98. Keen - eager or enthusiastic

99. Luminous - bright or shining

100. Magnificent - grand or splendid

101. Meticulous - showing great attention to detail

102. Nostalgia - a sentimental longing for the past

103. Optimistic - hopeful and positive about the future

104. Persevere - to continue in a course of action despite difficulties

105. Ponder - to think about carefully

106. Pristine - in its original condition; unspoiled

107. Quirky - characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits

108. Radiant - shining or glowing brightly

109. Resilient - able to recover quickly from difficulties

110. Serene - calm and peaceful

111. Spontaneous - done in a natural and impulsive way

112. Tenacious - determined and persistent

113. Tranquil - calm and peaceful

114. Unwavering - steady and resolute

115. Vibrant - full of energy and life

116. Whimsical - playfully quaint or fanciful

117. Zealous - enthusiastic and passionate

These are just a few of the many words in the English language that are important to know. Learning and expanding your vocabulary can help you communicate more effectively and express yourself more clearly.

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