100 самых употребительных слов английского языка с транскрипцией
1. the [ðə]
2. be [biː]
3. to [tuː]
4. of [ʌv]
5. and [ænd]
6. a [ə]
7. in [ɪn]
8. that [ðæt]
9. have [hæv]
10. I [aɪ]
11. it [ɪt]
12. for [fɔːr]
13. not [nɒt]
14. on [ɒn]
15. with [wɪð]
16. he [hiː]
17. as [æz]
18. you [juː]
19. do [duː]
20. at [æt]
21. this [ðɪs]
22. but [bʌt]
23. his [hɪz]
24. by [baɪ]
25. from [frʌm]
26. they [ðeɪ]
27. we [wiː]
28. say [seɪ]
29. her [hɜːr]
30. she [ʃiː]
31. or [ɔːr]
32. an [ən]
33. will [wɪl]
34. my [maɪ]
35. one [wʌn]
36. all [ɔːl]
37. would [wʊd]
38. there [ðeər]
39. their [ðeər]
40. what [wɒt]
41. so [səʊ]
42. up [ʌp]
43. out [aʊt]
44. if [ɪf]
45. about [əˈbaʊt]
46. who [huː]
47. get [ɡet]
48. which [wɪtʃ]
49. go [ɡəʊ]
50. me [miː]
51. when [wen]
52. make [meɪk]
53. can [kæn]
54. like [laɪk]
55. time [taɪm]
56. no [nəʊ]
57. just [dʒʌst]
58. him [hɪm]
59. know [nəʊ]
60. take [teɪk]
61. people [ˈpiːpl]
62. into [ˈɪntuː]
63. year [jɪər]
64. your [jɔːr]
65. good [ɡʊd]
66. some [sʌm]
67. could [kʊd]
68. them [ðem]
69. see [siː]
70. other [ˈʌðər]
71. than [ðæn]
72. then [ðen]
73. now [naʊ]
74. look [lʊk]
75. only [ˈəʊnli]
76. come [kʌm]
77. its [ɪts]
78. over [ˈəʊvər]
79. think [θɪŋk]
80. also [ˈɔːlsəʊ]
81. back [bæk]
82. after [ˈɑːftər]
83. use [juːz]
84. two [tuː]
85. how [haʊ]
86. our [aʊər]
87. work [wɜːrk]
88. first [fɜːrst]
89. well [wel]
90. way [weɪ]
91. even [ˈiːvən]
92. new [njuː]
93. want [wɒnt]
94. because [bɪˈkɒz]
95. any [ˈeni]
96. these [ðiːz]
97. give [ɡɪv]
98. day [deɪ]
99. most [məʊst]
100. us [ʌs]