100 разговорных слов на английском
1. Hi
2. Hello
3. How are you?
4. What's up?
5. Good morning
6. Good afternoon
7. Good evening
8. How's it going?
9. What's new?
10. Long time no see
11. How have you been?
12. Nice to see you
13. What are you up to?
14. I'm good, thanks
15. I'm fine, and you?
16. Not too bad
17. Pretty good
18. Could be better
19. I'm tired
20. I'm hungry
21. I'm thirsty
22. I'm excited
23. I'm nervous
24. I'm bored
25. I'm happy
26. I'm sad
27. I'm stressed
28. I'm confused
29. I'm sorry
30. I'm glad
31. I'm grateful
32. I'm proud
33. I'm in love
34. I'm in a hurry
35. I'm on my way
36. I'm looking forward to it
37. I'm not sure
38. I'm feeling lucky
39. I'm feeling adventurous
40. I'm feeling lazy
41. I'm feeling motivated
42. I'm feeling inspired
43. I'm feeling creative
44. I'm feeling hopeful
45. I'm feeling positive
46. I'm feeling negative
47. I'm feeling overwhelmed
48. I'm feeling anxious
49. I'm feeling confident
50. I'm feeling insecure
51. I'm feeling uncertain
52. I'm feeling content
53. I'm feeling peaceful
54. I'm feeling joyful
55. I'm feeling grateful
56. I'm feeling blessed
57. I'm feeling lucky
58. I'm feeling loved
59. I'm feeling appreciated
60. I'm feeling respected
61. I'm feeling valued
62. I'm feeling supported
63. I'm feeling encouraged
64. I'm feeling motivated
65. I'm feeling inspired
66. I'm feeling determined
67. I'm feeling ambitious
68. I'm feeling confident
69. I'm feeling capable
70. I'm feeling competent
71. I'm feeling successful
72. I'm feeling accomplished
73. I'm feeling proud
74. I'm feeling satisfied
75. I'm feeling fulfilled
76. I'm feeling content
77. I'm feeling happy
78. I'm feeling joyful
79. I'm feeling peaceful
80. I'm feeling relaxed
81. I'm feeling calm
82. I'm feeling serene
83. I'm feeling grateful
84. I'm feeling blessed
85. I'm feeling lucky
86. I'm feeling loved
87. I'm feeling appreciated
88. I'm feeling respected
89. I'm feeling valued
90. I'm feeling supported
91. I'm feeling encouraged
92. I'm feeling motivated
93. I'm feeling inspired
94. I'm feeling determined
95. I'm feeling ambitious
96. I'm feeling confident
97. I'm feeling capable
98. I'm feeling competent
99. I'm feeling successful
100. I'm feeling accomplished