100 первых английских слов и фраз
1. Hello
2. Goodbye
3. Thank you
4. Please
5. Yes
6. No
7. Excuse me
8. I'm sorry
9. How are you?
10. What's your name?
11. Where are you from?
12. I love you
13. I don't understand
14. Can you help me?
15. How much does it cost?
16. I'm hungry
17. I'm thirsty
18. I'm tired
19. I'm happy
20. I'm sad
21. I'm excited
22. I'm bored
23. What time is it?
24. Where is the bathroom?
25. How do you say this in English?
26. What do you do for a living?
27. I don't speak English very well
28. Can you speak more slowly?
29. Can you repeat that, please?
30. I need a doctor
31. I need help
32. I'm lost
33. I'm allergic to peanuts
34. I have a headache
35. I have a fever
36. I have a cold
37. I have a sore throat
38. I have a stomachache
39. I have a toothache
40. I have a cut
41. I have a bruise
42. I have a rash
43. I have a sunburn
44. I have a splinter
45. I have a sprain
46. I have a broken bone
47. I have a blister
48. I have a burn
49. I have a bee sting
50. I have a mosquito bite
51. I have a tick bite
52. I have a jellyfish sting
53. I have a snake bite
54. I have a spider bite
55. I have a wasp sting
56. I have a scorpion sting
57. I have a dog bite
58. I have a cat scratch
59. I have a fish hook in my finger
60. I have a splinter in my foot
61. I have a thorn in my hand
62. I have a cut on my finger
63. I have a bruise on my leg
64. I have a rash on my arm
65. I have a sunburn on my back
66. I have a sprain in my ankle
67. I have a broken bone in my arm
68. I have a blister on my heel
69. I have a burn on my hand
70. I have a bee sting on my arm
71. I have a mosquito bite on my leg
72. I have a tick bite on my neck
73. I have a jellyfish sting on my leg
74. I have a snake bite on my foot
75. I have a spider bite on my hand
76. I have a wasp sting on my arm
77. I have a scorpion sting on my leg
78. I have a dog bite on my hand
79. I have a cat scratch on my arm
80. I have a fish hook in my finger
81. I have a splinter in my foot
82. I have a thorn in my hand
83. I have a cut on my finger
84. I have a bruise on my leg
85. I have a rash on my arm
86. I have a sunburn on my back
87. I have a sprain in my ankle
88. I have a broken bone in my arm
89. I have a blister on my heel
90. I have a burn on my hand
91. I have a bee sting on my arm
92. I have a mosquito bite on my leg
93. I have a tick bite on my neck
94. I have a jellyfish sting on my leg
95. I have a snake bite on my foot
96. I have a spider bite on my hand
97. I have a wasp sting on my arm
98. I have a scorpion sting on my leg
99. I have a dog bite on my hand
100. I have a cat scratch on my arm