100 первых английских слов и фраз

1. Hello

2. Goodbye

3. Thank you

4. Please

5. Yes

6. No

7. Excuse me

8. I'm sorry

9. How are you?

10. What's your name?

11. Where are you from?

12. I love you

13. I don't understand

14. Can you help me?

15. How much does it cost?

16. I'm hungry

17. I'm thirsty

18. I'm tired

19. I'm happy

20. I'm sad

21. I'm excited

22. I'm bored

23. What time is it?

24. Where is the bathroom?

25. How do you say this in English?

26. What do you do for a living?

27. I don't speak English very well

28. Can you speak more slowly?

29. Can you repeat that, please?

30. I need a doctor

31. I need help

32. I'm lost

33. I'm allergic to peanuts

34. I have a headache

35. I have a fever

36. I have a cold

37. I have a sore throat

38. I have a stomachache

39. I have a toothache

40. I have a cut

41. I have a bruise

42. I have a rash

43. I have a sunburn

44. I have a splinter

45. I have a sprain

46. I have a broken bone

47. I have a blister

48. I have a burn

49. I have a bee sting

50. I have a mosquito bite

51. I have a tick bite

52. I have a jellyfish sting

53. I have a snake bite

54. I have a spider bite

55. I have a wasp sting

56. I have a scorpion sting

57. I have a dog bite

58. I have a cat scratch

59. I have a fish hook in my finger

60. I have a splinter in my foot

61. I have a thorn in my hand

62. I have a cut on my finger

63. I have a bruise on my leg

64. I have a rash on my arm

65. I have a sunburn on my back

66. I have a sprain in my ankle

67. I have a broken bone in my arm

68. I have a blister on my heel

69. I have a burn on my hand

70. I have a bee sting on my arm

71. I have a mosquito bite on my leg

72. I have a tick bite on my neck

73. I have a jellyfish sting on my leg

74. I have a snake bite on my foot

75. I have a spider bite on my hand

76. I have a wasp sting on my arm

77. I have a scorpion sting on my leg

78. I have a dog bite on my hand

79. I have a cat scratch on my arm

80. I have a fish hook in my finger

81. I have a splinter in my foot

82. I have a thorn in my hand

83. I have a cut on my finger

84. I have a bruise on my leg

85. I have a rash on my arm

86. I have a sunburn on my back

87. I have a sprain in my ankle

88. I have a broken bone in my arm

89. I have a blister on my heel

90. I have a burn on my hand

91. I have a bee sting on my arm

92. I have a mosquito bite on my leg

93. I have a tick bite on my neck

94. I have a jellyfish sting on my leg

95. I have a snake bite on my foot

96. I have a spider bite on my hand

97. I have a wasp sting on my arm

98. I have a scorpion sting on my leg

99. I have a dog bite on my hand

100. I have a cat scratch on my arm

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